Saturday, February 28, 2009

First things first


Hi everyone! My blogging name is Olih, and this is a blog about who is better, Dialga or Palkia.
Personally, I think Dialga is better, because really? Palkia is a water-dragon type Pokemon. The water part isn't that strong, I think. But Dialga is a steel-dragon type, and that's much stronger! Just to see, though, let's find out who thinks who is better. VOTE! So far, I have collected votes from my classmates, and the total stands at this:

Dialga: 8

Palkia: 3

Don't worry though, Palkia-fans. Reply to this ( post an answer, I have no idea how it goes) and say whether you vote for Dialga or Palkia. I will keep track, and every week (on the weekends, probably) I will post the total. This will go on till the end of March, and then, this won't be officially over, but I will stop keeping track of the scores. You are welcome to, if anyone is still voting by then.